
Pedro Neves Trio – Pedro Neves (piano), Miguel Ângelo (doublebass) and Miguel Sampaio (drums) -, took us on an ups and downs journey, following the story of the imaginary character created for 05:21, its most recent album. 05.21 is Summer’s dawn time. The character has reached it, still awake, after a day of bubbling thoughts and feelings. The music matches the character’s journey. Bumpy and frantic at times, Busy Mind or 05:21, quiet and serene here and there, as in the beautiful Yesterday. It all ends when the character finally falls asleep, after a tumultuous turning around before the eye lids close, the record’s final act, Time to Go. Live, as heard at Associação Porta Jazz, Porto, 05:21 gains other tones and different speeds, becoming much more raw and intense.


(photo & words: Raquel Pinheiro)

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