Projecto P!

Projecto P! is a public space performance art project that will take place in Lisbom 10-14 celebrating the centenary of José de Almada Negreiros conferência futurista.

The programme includes:

10 Monday): Performance on Public Space, debate @ Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 10am-5:30pm

11 (Tuesday): On conferência futurista, debate @Casa Fernando Pessoa, 6:30pm
Scores for the Body, Building and Soul by David Helbich @ São Luiz Teatro Municipal, 7pm
Public and Private, debate @ Polo Cultural Gaivotas l Boavista, 9:30pm



12 (wednesday): Increments by Kovács/O’Doherty, durational installation artworks MUSEU NACIONAL DE ARTE CONTEMPORÂNEA – MUSEU DO CHIADO, 1pm
Reacting to Time – Portugueses in Performance, Tânia Rovisco’s X boradcast presentation @ Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea – Museu do Chiado, 7pm


13 (Thursday): Intervention and Ethics, debate @ Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas, 3pm
Intonarumori – Luciano Chessa & The Orquestra Of Futurist Noise Intoners @ Teatro Maria Matos10pm


14 (Friday): Reinventions – 100 years of Almada Negreiros’conferência futurista, a performance by artists in different areas of São Luiz Teatro Municipal, 5pm
