Amazing Songs & Other Delights #24 is the The Steve Albini edition and it airs tomorrow (Monday 11th) c3-4pm (gmt+1) on Yé Yé Radio: or on the app. The Steve Albini editoni is comprised of 17 songs/tracks from Big Black to Shellac through Nina Nastasia, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, Man or Astro man, The Auteurs, Cinerama and more. Either this would be an extremely long post or I’ll have to curb my entusiasm and try to stick to a few things regarding Steve Albini. So, there it goes, if I had sacred cows or musical heroes, which I do not, Steve Albini would be one of them. I’ve learned a lot with him, felt inspired by him, got to inteview him a couple of times – once, by e-mail, was met with the “Steve Albini cartoon character”, lots of f words and the likes; another time, by phone, it was gentleman Albini, drinking tea in his kitchen, in Chicago. I’ve read and re-read and re-read his The Problem With Music (1993) Agreed with him about the music business and compresssion, I too dislike compression, disagreed, and still disagree, with him regarding producers having to be engineers. They don’t. Some 20 years later Steve in spoke in Melbourne about music and the internet: He was spot on in a number of things. Steve owns Electrical Audio, a two-studio complex in Chicago and has recorded hundreds of records. Like the Tele & Strat editions, The Steve Albini edition is a twin show, it pairs with the Bernard Butler edition that airs April 25th.

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