Amazing Songs & Other Delights #68 – The Bric-à-New edition by Raquel Pinheiro @ Yé Yé Radio, Monday 1st

My Amazing Songs & Other Delights #68 The Bric-à-New edition airs Monday 1st on Yé Yé Radio: (or on the app).It a lovely programme of new songs, or songs that are new to me.

Tracklist: 01: A Working Man’s Guide to Comedy – Imitation (Last Serious Man) 02: Adelaida – Las Flores No Saben Qué Decirse 03: Beak> – The Seal0 4: Bernard Butler – Preaching To The Choir 05: Bill Rivers – No Pity 06: Bright Eyes – Bells and Whistles 07: Dorothy Carter – The King of Glory 08: Fontaines D.C. – Favourite 09: Guster – Maybe We’re Alright 10: Joe Goddard – Follow You 11: King Krule – Time For Slurp 12: Lara Taubman – Love Is The Rule13: Mark Lennon – Meet Me In The Morning 14: Population 5 – Midnight Surfer 15: Saturno 3 – Dürüm 16: The Milkshakes – For She

01: A Working Man’s Guide to Comedy – Imitation (Last Serious Man)
02: Adelaida – Las Flores No Saben Qué Decirse
03: Beak> – The Seal
04: Bernard Butler – Preaching To The Choir
05: Bill Rivers – No Pity
06: Bright Eyes – Bells and Whistles
07: Dorothy Carter – The King of Glory
08: Fontaines D.C. – Favourite
09: Guster – Maybe We’re Alright
10: Joe Goddard – Follow You
11: King Krule – Time For Slurp
12: Lara Taubman – Love Is The Rule
13: Mark Lennon – Meet Me In The Morning
14: Population 5 – Midnight Surfer
15: Saturno 3 – Dürüm
16: The Milkshakes – For She

All previous shows on mixcloud; |

Amazing Songs & Other Delights #65 – The Rockamatic edition by Raquel Pinheiro @ mixcloud

My Amazing Songs & Other Delights #65 – The Rockamatic edition now available on mixcloud.

This edition name comes from the image transmitted by the songs. A mix of cinematic and rock covered by songs of diverse genres and ambients.

01: Barry Adamson – The Last Words Of Sam Cooke
02: Belle & Sebastian in – What Happened To You, Son
03: Bernard Butler – Deep Emotions
04: Beyoncé – Blackbird
05: Dark Miles – The Waiting
06: Fat White Family – The Work
07: Girl and Girl – Oh Boy!
08: Guided by Voices – Serene King
09: Janita Salomé & Camané – Homens do Largo
10: Johnny Moped – Things May Happen
11: Mark Knopler – Two Pairs of Hands
12: Martin Savage & The Jiggerz – Observer
13: Myriam Gendron – Terres brûlées
14: Of Montreal – It’s Different For Girls
15: Pernice Brothers – Look Alike
16: Prickly Pear – At The End
17: The Decemberists – Burial Ground

 Yé Yé Radio mixcloud | Mondo Bizarre Magazine mixcloud

Amazing Songs & Other Delights #65 – The Rockamatic edition by Raquel Pinheiro

The Decemberists

My Amazing Songs & Other Delights #65 The Rockamatic edition airs tomorrow Monday 6th, 3-4pm (gmt+1) on Yé Yé Radio: (or on the app).

The programme name comes from the image transmitted by the songs. A mix of cinematic and rock covered by songs of diverse genres.

01: Barry Adamson – The Last Words Of Sam Cooke
02: Belle & Sebastian – What Happened To You, Son
03: Bernard Butler – Deep Emotions
04: Beyoncé – Blackbird
05: Dark Miles – The Waiting
06: Fat White Family – The Work
07: Girl and Girl – Oh Boy!
08: Guided by Voices – Serene King
09: Janita Salomé & Camané – Homens do Largo
10: Johnny Moped – Things May Happen
11: Mark Knopler – Two Pairs of Hands
12: Martin Savage & The Jiggerz – Observer
13: Myriam Gendron – Terres brûlées
14: Of Montreal – It’s Different For Girls
15: Pernice Brothers – Look Alike
16: Prickly Pear – At The End
17: The Decemberists – Burial Ground

All previous shows on mixcloud: |

Bernard Butler – Deep Emotions, an essay

by Raquel Pinheiro

An old friend has, for the last couple of years, been suggesting I should write essays. About whatever I feel like, since I write to him regarding everything under the sun. Although there is an inordinate amount concerning guitars and songs, and quite a bit on feelings and emotions. Therefore, let’s go for it. Like the shorter text on Camber Sands, this isn’t a standard song, or record, review. Do I even do anything standard? Answer, standard (guitar) tuning.

“Good Grief! I’m almost running out of tissues. That’s a compliment, by the way.” is what I wrote on Bernard’s instagram post of Deep Emotions visualizer. Running almost out of tissues was a small dramatic exaggeration to, there, easily convey the feelings and emotions brought by the song. Which are many, and multilayered.

Here, I have more room. All the room I want. The tissues didn’t almost run out – there was a nice stock, but the song release day and subsequent days were trying. What does a mostly logical, calm, joyful, steady person of profound, even feelings, do when confronted with a flood of emotions? She’s lost. And, or, shuts down. Or tries to figure out why tears keep want to burst out. Tears?… Again? What is going on?

Deep Emotions is an emotional mine field for me. The begging is easy “I saw the stars align over Primrose Hill”. Oh! a fellow star gazer! Nice. 🙂 A stubborn daughter and a stubborn dad? Rings several bells. From then onwards, making the song mine, quicksand is afoot. It makes me traverse at least, two separate levels of stored grief and trauma, that I thought solved, shelved, dusted and done. Unlike Sapphire Goss’ (who directed the short film that accompanies the song) words “… brief glimpses of half remembered things … ” there is nothing half remembered for me coming from Deep Emotions.

still from Deep Emotions film by Sapphire Goss

So far, Good Grief has proved a contender to thee record that has deeply touched me in such an unsettled manner in recent years – along with Mick Harvey’s Waves of Anzac/The Journey. Interestingly, Deep Emotions was released on April 24th, both the eve of Anzac Day – a solemn day in Australia and New Zealand – and 25 de Abril the day in 1974, 50 years ago, that ended a 48 years dictatorship in Portugal.
The dictatorships had Colonial War (1961-1974) to which by dad and many young men were dispatched to. Dad left the war, went to exhile and was only allowed to return in 1977? … Talk about emotions. Deep, complex, ones. One

If with Waves of Anzac/The Journey I took my default route to process feelings and emotions: go for a very long walk on my own, and, more recently, also hit my electric guitar to pour it all out, when I start writing about Deep Emotions I was too tired for either manner of physical release.

still by Deep Emotions film by Sapphire Goss

What seriously intrigues me is why the album versions of the songs provoke such an emotional reaction in me. The live versions, that can be found on youtube, touch me, but with serenity intensity. There is no “what do I do with these shattering waves that are bringing it all to the surface again?” sensation.

Aside from the obvious – live versus recorded – what is the difference? The voice? The delivery? The existence of more instruments? The arrangments? The production? The (in)famous sensorial surround sound (I listened to the, theoretically, non surround sound)? All of the above? The guitar(s) on the album version has(have) a lot to answer for, but … Does is matter? Is it relevant to go find Wally and figure out exactly what is the cause? Probably not. Maybe better to leave aside dissecting that side of things and write from feeling. Or maybe those things are a deliberated way of translating emotions. Deliberated in the sense artists go for whatever allows us to better express what we want to tell, and, hopefully, reach cross to the listener, viewer, reader, audience.

Grief and trauma. I could sell it by the bucketload. We all probably can. The difference is not all of us are out there, opening up, being vulnerable, explaining, talking about our songs and life before an audience, being scrutinized.

Now and then I write songs, and most often I write poems, some of which were turned into songs, and instrumental music. A lot of me and my life is on those, but mostly in a cryptic way, providing me with shelter. You would also need to know my life to decode them. Deep Emotions is the opposite of cryptic, of providing shelter. It’s bare bones, ripped apart heart, dive right into the storm. And I don’t like it. Because, as said at the beginning, it brings back what had been properly wrapped on the bottom of the top shelve of the cupboard or thrown away since it was no longer of use. Yet, here I am, tissues within reach.

still by Deep Emotions film by Sapphire Goss

Why do I have issues, get frightened with, of, deep emotions? It is not with deep emotions per se. It is with deep emotions that blow up in your (in my) face. Especially when coming from the person who was meant to be there for me through thick and stone, till death did us apart, who, instead of the grim reaper did us apart. And there it was, grief and trauma cake layer number two. Not that, by then, or before, with grief and trauma cake layer number one, I had no words for the consequences.

It is also because when the me who is often told “you’ve always been the backbone” (I’m a bassist, I’m meant to) or “you’re rock solid” (I’ve just wrote I’m a bassist and I’m meant to), “you’re the driving force” (I’ve just wrote twice I’m a bassist …) was overwhelmed by deep emotions everything for myself went south. I was as disoriented as a band when the bassist stops playing unannounced. Instead of my usual know what to do in a crisis and trust my instincts, there was a seriously hurt, confused, couldn’t comprend it person.

It is not every day your beloved tells you, among other baffling stuff and behaviour “you have no feelings, you don’t even cry at funerals”. Of the seven billion humans on Earth that human was aware I go deeply quiet and silent in such situations. That saying was just the more visible start of a downward spiral caused by depression, grief and trauma – his – that spill over in all sorts of ugly manners and would culminate in a wrecked marriage and a miscarriage. Miscarriage is a soft way of putting what happened, but I’m not ready to go further in such a public forum. Connect the dots.

still from Deep Emotions film by Sapphire Goss

So… so… On the record when Bernard sings “I’m not holy in possession of myself” it is not Bernard my mind sees, hears. It is something far more dangerous than him speaking about himself in a song. And it gives me the shivers.

If I go further back, there is another major episode of raining deep emotions I had no idea how to deal with. My by then boyfriend, husband to be, me and a friend had a music and poetry project. I was offstage, picking most of the poems. My husband picked a few and wrote some. He read/spoke them on stage with our friend compositions and musical support. The hurt, pain, mortification, inner darkness coming out when my husband read, interpreted the poems, in particularly one called Leilão (Auction) in which the narrator auctions every part of itself, including its most treasure possession, the heart, was too much for me.

Not knowing how to express how much it upset me to see his raw pain, how it heart broke me, I issued an ultimatum “It’s the band or I!”, knowing too well it would be me. By then, we were young, life was hectic, all the concepts now easier to speak of eluded us. I have memory no of ever explained the reason for the ultimatum. Life, and other projects, carried on. Until the darkness and deep, muffled, or explosive, emotions I didn’t knew how to deal with, now with more added hurt and grief, resulted in self destruction, into which I nearly got fully pulled into. I came back home, we both bare the scars, our bond is broken.

still from Deep Emotions film by Sapphire Goss

So… So… Deep emotions are very scary. At least for me. “I’m hard to reason with, that’s not in doubt…”, “the saddest story is my anguish and pain”, “I got deep emotions running through my veins/Sometimes I feel guilty, sometimes I feel pain”, “when they take me over I’m harder to reach…” Oh! 😦 It’s still not Bernard my mind hears and sees, even if it is his voice singing.

As for “I’m drawn to the boundaries of longitude/Iike the companionship of solitude”, that’s far more me, my longitude often being inner.

It’s the guitars, it’s it? On the record. They come from here, and there, and then there is that big, fat, bluesy one, that contrasts and adds to the dramatic crescendo. And the clapping. If it is clapping. Drums, maybe?

And now I just made part of my story known and opened myself to be scrutinized. It is fine. Another friend told me I should write a book with my life story. I’m not quite there. This things take time. For now, I may go back to my own Good Grief (or Ghosteen) a record in sketch mode, that came to me out of the blue with a set number of tracks, names for most of them, a storyline. I set it aside “It’s silly. I don’t want to go there. I’ll have to explain it.”…

Fortunately for me, Good Grief only has seven more songs. Meanwhile, until the next one is out, I’m going to see the stars, and planets, aline above the urban mountain top, with back view to the sea, I live at.

P.S. I’ve mailed you the tissues bill, Mr. Butler. It is quite hefty. I’ll accept your gorgeous factory black 330 as payment.

Julia Cameron – The Artist’s Way/The Morning Pages – One Year of

by Raquel Pinheiro

A little over one year ago my friend Dana suggested me Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. I have now been writing The Morning Pages, an integral part of the book that is meant to be carried on.

Dana recommending me The Artist’s Way wasn’t so much because I was artistically blocked. I was composing, playing, painting, writing poems and more at the time. More because I wasn’t going to physical places I wanted to go. My feet, my body, seemed glued. In early 2022 I was invited by a friend to go and spend time with him. I truly wanted to, but couldn’t move.

Maybe summer (2022) would be it. It wasn’t. Summer 2022 brought a big musical piece, appeared literally when I woke up, name, concept, the names of several tracks all there. I turned my laptop on, opened Audacity and start cresting the sounds that, for me, translated the names of the tracks.

Out of the blue, as a coincidence, that Julia Cameron just like my friend Ed call synchronicity, Francisco (Silva – The June Carriers/Velho Homem/Old Jerusalem) start sending small guitar lines for me to hear the sound of his new guitar, an electric one (in Old Jerusalem life, Francisco was known for playing acoustic). He didn’t knew I was composing, I didn’t knew he had the Mustang. “What if I put some of those guitar lines on my tracks?” And so I did and what was electronic start become, and end up, electro-acoustic.

The Morning Pages notebook n°1 © Raquel Pinheiro

That same summer another friend turned 50. Until the eve of his birthday I didn’t knew he played (guitar), he didn’t knew I played (bass). There was going to be a band in which he was playing covers. I said I would go and play bass. And I did. I had played with them before, had never played on stage, hadn’t played bass in about 18.5 years until a few months before, no rehearsal. Just get there, they were already playing when I arrived, pick the house bass and go for it. It was great.

A few days later I was at the jams that were held at the place of the birthday party. This time, it was tricky to get the house bass. A woman playing electric? Seems not (it turned out is wasn’t just a woman playing electric, but not being from the proper musical background. I stayed there, observing, until I spotted an approachable musician, a saxophonist. We both played together, by the end of the jam. Total improv. He would wonderfully fit the saxophone wherever it was required. The next week he brough a jazz guitarist that gave me four 7th arpeggios to practice to play with them one week later. And so it was.And then it stopped. But I got a fabulous saxophonist for my music I didn’t even knew I needed. That summer I also started painting on canvas.

I didn’t went to stay with my friend. Autumn, Winter came. I didn’t went to go see my friend. It’s 2023. I want to go see someone play abroad. My feet remain glued. Dana, aware of what has been written so far and more, told me about The Artist’s Way. I read it, did all the exercises – some may, at first glance seem silly and childish, but aren’t – begin writing The Morning Pages.

I start venturing into short distance travels by train. Stayed overnight with a recent acquaintance. And with a different friend for a few weeks, carrying a ton of notebooks, my guitar, the digital copy of The Artists Way. It was the first time I spend a number of weeks with an electric guitar as my only instrument. It was a thrill.

Over two years since he invited me, I still haven’t went to see the friend that asked over in early 2022 – there is a little more to the story than my feet being glued the floor. As in, my feet were glued to the floor, but something else, my heart, was glued too. Under his shyness, my friend is adventurous, passionate, intense, larger than life, has deep emotions, loves love, passion and life. I share some of those things, but don’t deal well with deep, bubbling emotions. Open my heart again? Run the risk of heartbreak? Probably not. One day it will (re)happen.

But The Morning Pages have been there for me, so has he who keeps telling me to write for others to read. I write a lot on my journal(s), notebooks, The Morning Pages, to him.

Cage/Love mix medium on canvas © Raquel Pinheiro
Me, like an international woman of mystery © Helena Soares

I’ve recommended The Artist’s Way to a few people. Some already read it, did the exercises and wrote The Morning Pages for a while. Others bought the book and are still to read it, do the exercises and immerse themselves in The Morning Pages. My Morning Pages aren’t always in the morning, but I’ve been writing the three pages everyday. Matt, another friend, thinks it is quite the commitment to be writing The Morning Pages for a year.

My The Morning Pages © Raquel Pinheiro

Did the Morning Pages, The Artist’s Way made me more creative? More creative, not exactly. What they did, along with the friend I’m still to visit, is made me write more about myself in public. Such debut may had been with Bernard Butler’s Camber Sands The follow up is also with a new song by Bernard Butler, Deep Emotions, that can be read here:

Early this year I went to a vero circuit/guitar pedal building wokshop. A nice distortion/fuzz pedal both for guitar and bass was build. The last time I had soldered I was 13 or 14. Afterwards, home, I painted and customized the pedal box. Some of the materials, like the sparkling dust and the stars were part of a number of things from The Artist’s Way exercises. The rest is acrylic paint and glossy nail varnish and coat.

My diy distortion/fuzz guitar/bass pedal © Raquel Pinheiro

I’ve recently become a member of Grupo Operário do Ruído (Workers Noise Group) an ensemble of noise(s) and rhythm from Sonoscopia that will have its public presentation December 8th at Conservatório de Música do Porto. We have a staggering amount of rehearsals and a few workshops. Grupo Operário do Ruído is far less leftfield for me than what can be called life narration writing. To an extent I do that with my poems, but it is very different. I’ve also taken a short trip by metro to the seaside north of Porto that included seeing a small intimate concert friends had put up.

GOR Rehearsals’ Stage © Raquel Pinheiro

In fairness, I move across very different social groups. So much so that now Beatriz, one of my fellow members of Grupo Operário do Ruído (GOR) asked if her fellow GOR members would be interested in being part of her group of guests in a performance she is part of called Sonópolis. Sonópolis is to be presented at Sala Suggia, the orchestra room, at Casa da Música, July 7th. I’m in!

Feet & Sea © Raquel Pinheiro

Amazing Songs & Other Delights #63 – The Say Hello, Wave Goodbye edition by Raquel Pinheiro @ Yé Yé Radio @ mixcloud.

My Amazing Songs & Other Delights #63 The Say Hello, Wave Goodbye is now at available at mixcloud.

This edition centers on beginnings and ends, ends and beginnings, outer and inner journeys, being lost and found, how the same guitar line, depending of context, can feel differebt. You can read my essay about this show here:

Monday, 8th April 2024, 3-4pm (gmt+1)Running Tracklist:
01 – Raquel Pinheiro – Big Bang (radio edit)
02 – Old Jerusalem – Red sun over the interstate
03 – Franz Schubert – Erlkönig, (Op. 1, D. 328 – Wer reitet so spät sung by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau)
04 – The Modern Lovers – Dodge Veg o-matic
05 – Bernard Butler – Camber Sands
06 – The Fugs – Bartleby The Scrivener
07 – Elton John – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
08 – David Gray – Say Hello, Wave Goodbye (Soft Cell cover)
09 – The Beatles – Drive My Car
10 – The Clash – Lost In The Supermarket
11 – Kings of Leon – Going Nowhere (live in Nashville)
12 – Siouxie & The Banshees – The Passenger (Iggy Pop cover)
13 – The Proclaimers – I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) (2011 remaster)
14 – Aaron Copland – Going to Heaven! (Emily Dickinson poem, sung by Sanford Sylvan)
15 – Little Eve – The Loco-Motion (remaster)
16 – The June Carriers – Pastoral Epigraph

All previous shows on mixcloud: |

Amazing Songs & Other Delights #63 – The Say Hello, Wave Goodbye edition by Raquel Pinheiro @ Yé Yé Radio, Monday 8th.

Old Jerusalem – Breeding angels – drawing by Francisco Silva

My Amazing Songs & Other Delights #63 – The Say Hello, Wave Goodbye edition is tomorrow Monday, 8th, 3-4pm (gmt+1) on Yé Yé Radio: (or on the app).

The title comes from the Soft Cell song of the same name, here on a cover by David Gray. The meaning refers to saying hello to something new, goodbye to an old, beloved one. In this case, the old beloved one is Old Jerusalem that Francisco Silva is retiring with a last concert on the 20th, at Socorro here in Porto. Old Jerusalem’s farewell includes Breeding angels, a demos album that contains Red sun over the interstate – that is also on this week’s programme –  a song I have the previledge of known, and often sing on my own home, for a couple of years.

If Francisco is retiring Old Jerusalem, he is bringing, given birth, to The June Carriers that release their debut album Equanimity on the 10th.
And now, beginnings and endings, and metting, and journeys, and the same thing, that yet is, but isn’t, become even more interesting.

My track Big Bang, that opens the show, has the exact same guitar line as The June Carriers’s Pastoral Epigraph, that closes the show. It is a travel from the The Big Bang, from the ends, or beginnings, of The Universe to Earth. The guitar, of course, is played be Francisco on both instrumentals. As for the why and how Francisco’s guitar line ended up on my track, on both tracks, that is for another day.

What my Big Bang and Then June Carriers’ Pastoral Epigraph shows is how the exact same guitar line, although easily recognisable, can feel so different depending of its surrounding, of the musical ambience and creation. Of how two people compose differently with the same guitar line (or any other same musical bit). Other than knowing I was going to use his guitar line, Francisco had no say, nor knew, what I was going to do with it. I didn’t have a clue how he was going to use it on what become The June Carriers’ first album.

The Maze in at my favourite local park in colour © Raquel Pinheiro

My 16 choices for this The Say Hello, Wave Goodbye edition are all about travel, journeys, inner and outer, out in space, on our planet, far from home, standing  still. The Modern Lovers’
Dodge Veg o-matic is probably the best going nowhere song ever. Bartleby, the immovable, “I prefer not to” scrivener of Henry Melville’s tale as his very fixed ideais regarding is life, his views, doing, moving, changing in ways others find normal is not for him.

Some journeys don’t end well. Like in the Erlkönig a Schubert lieder, with lyrics by Goethe, in which a father rides madly through the night, on horseback, with his son, whistle the Erlking is enticing the child, that tries  to draw dad’s attention. The lieder ends with the blunt “In seinen Armen das Kind war tod” (roughly “in your arms the child is dead”.

The Maze at my favourite local park in black and white © Raquel Pinheiro

Others have twist and turns. Diferentes in perspective, depending where we find ourselves. My photos of the maze from my favourite local park are taken from inside it and I know my way around it because I know from where the whole maze can be seen. However, on a foggy day, I may, and still get lost in it. The colour and black and photo illustrate the same thing seen in two different ways.

01 – Raquel Pinheiro – Big Bang (radio edit)
02 – Old Jerusalem – Red sun over the interstate
03 – Franz Schubert – Erlkönig (Op. 1, D. 328 – Wer reitet so spät sung by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau)
04 – The Modern Lovers – Dodge Veg o-matic
05 – Bernard Butler – Camber Sands
06 – The Fugs – Bartleby The Scrivener
07 – Elton John – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
08 – David Gray – Say Hello, Wave Goodbye (Soft Cell cover)
09 – The Beatles – Drive My Car
10 – The Clash – Lost In The Supermarket
11 – Kings of Leon – Going Nowhere (live in Nashville)
12 – Siouxie & The Banshees – The Passenger (Iggy Pop cover)
13 – The Proclaimers – I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) (2011 remaster)
14 – Aaron Copland – Going to Heaven! (Emily Dickinson poem, sung by Sanford Sylvan)
15 – Little Eve – The Loco-Motion (remaster)
16 – The June Carriers – Pastoral Epigraph

All previous shows on mixcloud: |

The June Carriers – Equanimity – painting by Susan Lindsey

Bernard Butler – Camber Sands

Good morning with our Middle of the Week song – Camber Sands by Bernard Butler. Camber Sands is the opening song from

Good Grief is Bernard Butler third solo album and his first in 25 years. Have listened to the song live on assorted youtube recordings I was curious to hear how the album version sounded like. There are shades of Bowie, snippets of lost dancehalls mood, murmurs of a land between countryside and the intangible real.

The video takes me back to an array of memories. Road trips with my dad. Going up and down my country distributing print Mondo or, years before, as a road manager finding myself in numerous small, unknown places.The lyrics “back to 83” when the possibilities were endless. The music to a certain house, by the sea, with its garden, pine tress, endless joy. And another house, close by, in pastels colours, hidden behind walls among an amazing garden.

For me, the song also conveys melancholia of childhood memories, of love found, and lost and found. Songs become ours. Each of us will put their own experiences, feelings, emotions to them. Making someone who hardly cries, me, shed tears is a gesture. Hats of to you, Bernard. Have a nice day everyone.

[Good Grief is out on 355 Recordings 31st May]