BDRMM, Mouco, Porto, 06.04.2024.

words: Marcos Leal (freely translated by Raquel Pinheiro); photos: Marcos Leal.

Hull band Bdrmm awaited first concert in Porto finally happened. Bdrmm came to download their electric showgaze mantle upon an audience split between a sound delight and happy talk.It was remarkable the way the band was applauded and cherished by the audience, leaving the quarter rather pleased, and, in a way, apparently surprised with such reaction, multiplying thanks you at each song. For about one and a half hour Bdrmm downloaded a stream of songs that satisfied the wishes of their fans, starting with Alps, carrying on with Be Careful.

Then, melodically loud with songs like Gush, Push/Pull, Happy, one of their greatest hits, here almost unrecognisable among a deluge of distortion, until, at, last, arriving at a good Port, um thrilling cheering by from the audience and thanks by Bdrmm.

© Mondo Bizarre Magazine/Marcos Leal

Wolf Manhattan, Mouco, Porto, 24.02.2024.

© Mondo Bizarre Magazine/Paulo Carmona

words: Paulo Carmona (freely translated by Raquel Pinheiro); photos: Paulo Carmona

A contagious happiness, as if was thick fog, immediately came upon the audience. Wolf Manhattan’s cheerful music collides with the time period of its creation – during the pandemic – which leads to believe (I may be wrong) it was a very effective way that João Viera, such an alternative pop music chameleon, found to buffer that distressing period. Among the chaos, an artist soul emerges as one of the best medicines for humanity.

We were given an amusing, intelligent performance, created by sound and improvised theatre. There were rabbits, ghosts and aligattors with raving multiple signs in which shaking your butt dancing, grotesque and fantasy go hand in hand with the rocking of an hypnotic merry-go-round.

© Mondo Bizarre Magazine/Paulo Carmona

As for Wolf Manhattan’s songs, that join juicy electronic pop, alternative indie-pop-rock with a certain beat, Back to Her, Wanna go Back, Voices in My head and, of course, Sometimes attended the celebration. I would have far more to say,but prefer to tie with João Vieira’s own words to us “I want much more than a concert. A performance, a story, an imaginar, an universe, something different than just a music show.”,grounded, according João, in his be all – David Bowie. And he pulled it off. David Bowie??? – What else!

© Mondo Bizarre Magazine/Paulo Carmona

Lanterns On The Lake, Mouco, Porto, 27.01.2024.

© Mondo Bizarre Magazine/Paulo Carmona

words: Paulo Carmona (freely translated by Raquel Pinheiro); photos: Paulo Carmona

Many went to Mouco to New Castle band Lanterns On The Lake first concert in Porto.

The band started with The Likes Of Us, Real Life and Every Atom. Right there it shows the band is instrumentaly very competent. Be it 9n the rhythm or the melodic section. The harmonic sequences are irreproachable.

Hazel Wilde’s lead vocals are impregnated with loud, vibrating sounds that perfectly dress the songs, fully tailored for her vocal range. As it is said, it fit like a glove. Indie rock set Mouco’s the room on fire with Blue Screen Beams, When It All Comes True and Rich Girls. Paul Gregory’s guitar is so intense that it is impossible for bodies not to vibrate with its riffs.

Before the encore, Hazel jokes a little with the cliché saying they will no behind that door and be right back with a few more song, which generates laughter. After the show, I wandered around and was left with the impression of a friend’s gathering in which between people who did not knew each other well. Music does such things.

Johnny Jewel, Mouco, Porto, 11.11.2023.

© Mondo Bizarre Magazine/Marcos Leal

words: Marcos Leal (edited and freely translated by Raquel Pinheiro); photos:Marcos Leal

Musician, composer, producer, visual artist are several of the sides multi-instrumentalist John David Padgett, aka Johnny Jewel, Other than his career as a musician in Glass Candy and Chromatics, and owner of record label Italians Do It Better, Jewel gained recognition through producing film soundtracks.

Jewel steps on stage and starts uncovering the black clothing that cover the keyboards and synthsisers with which he will play. Drive and Bronson are two of his best known cinema pieces. It is precisely cinema that fuels his solo debut European tour. As Jewel himself would say towards the end of the concert, an experimental trial tour to see how the audience perceives it.

© Mondo Bizarre Magazine/Marcos Leal

Jewel shows his aesthetic attention by presenting himself in a classic red suit, face painted as shades of characters of films like A Clockwork Orange, that, commanding the synthsisers creates with total harmony and synchrony along the screened film images. Retro aesthetics, violence, sex, mystery, are marked characteristics of the cinema with which Jewel so well creates the atmosphere that leaves viewers immerse in the sound and image experience. The performance developed in a crescendo of intensity, interrupted by a false ending. When returning, Jewel took the opportunity to address the audience and play two more tracks, the last one the remarkable theme of project Desire – Under your Spell from the film Drive soundtrack. That is how the performance ends. With Johnny Jewel wrapping back the instruments in black clothing.

© Mondo Bizarre Magazine/Marcos Leal